Give to the Redwood SEED Scholars Program Fund This Give Day!

give day promotional graphic with image of students with aggie mascot gunrock

Redwood SEED scholars are having the time of their lives at UC Davis experiencing all that college life has to offer - football games, dorms, campus jobs...and of course, classes.

These students are among the first students with intellectual disabilities to live on campus at UC Davis, attend classes, begin employment and participate in the first four-year inclusive college program for students with intellectual disabilities In California.

Like other UC Davis students, the Redwood SEED Scholars have begun their young adult lives away from home.

They have worked together, supported and mentored each other and started to develop a vision for the way they can use their skills and talents in the future. They’ve developed academic skills, independent living skills, communication skills employment skills and executive functioning skills in context and these are the stepping stones to living their adult lives on their terms independently with support.

Over 100 undergraduate and graduate student mentors support the 21 Redwood SEED Scholars in academics, employment, health and wellness, residential living and social inclusion. 

These mentors are equity-minded, innovative, deeply compassionate and simply awesome! Imagine the impact this mentoring opportunity has on these students as they move into the workplace and the larger community! 

This is how we build a better world.

On April 19, UC Davis and the UC Davis MIND Institute will begin its Give Day.

If you believe in the mission and vision of our program, here is your chance to financially support it.

With your help, the Redwood SEED Scholars can become a sustainable program…providing opportunities for more California students…and creating a ripple of inclusion that will help to change the current catastrophic employment outcomes for so many overlooked and marginalized young adults with disabilities.

Join us! 

Give to the Redwood SEED Scholars Program